Artikel: Dopers Beginnen

In het Engelstalige Doopsgezinde tijdschrift Mennonite Quarterly Review is een artikel van Marius van Hoogstraten verschenen: "The Anabaptist Moment: Improper Beginnings, Ecclesiopolitical Decisions, and a Nonviolent Sovereignty." Het artikel kijkt met filosofische blik naar één van de beginpunten van de doperse beweging in de zestiende eeuw: de wederzijdse doop van Conrad Grebel, Felix Mantz, en … Lees verder Artikel: Dopers Beginnen

Canceled: Religion and Emancipation

The Emancipatory Promise of Inventive Theology This event is canceled17-19 June 2021this event is being postponed to a date after the summer (t.b.a.) a workshop atLuxembourg School of Religion & Societyin cooperation withStrasbourg UniversityandVrije Universiteit Amsterdam(Amsterdam Mennonite Seminary andCentre for Contextual Biblical Interpretation) Argument Religions, each time in a specific manner, appear to be inhabited … Lees verder Canceled: Religion and Emancipation

Watch: Mini-Conference Unsettling Otherness 26 February, 15:00-17:00 CET (Online) Unsettling OthernessTheopoetics and the future of interreligious encounter Catherine Keller, Paul Hedges, and Laura Schmidt Roberts in conversationwith Marius van Hoogstraten, Jean Ehret and Chris Doude van Troostwijk The Chair of Inventive Theology at the Mennonite Seminary/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Luxembourg School of Religion & Society are proud … Lees verder Watch: Mini-Conference Unsettling Otherness

Canceled: Religion and Emancipation: Two Encounters and a Workshop (pre-announcement)

Strasbourg, 8-9 April 2021 (Language: French)Amsterdam, 14-15 June 2021 (Language: English)Luxembourg, 17-19 June 2021 (Language: English) The events in Amsterdam and Luxembourg are canceled. For updates on the Strasbourg event, see the University of Strasbourg website.These events are being postponed to a date after the summer (t.b.a.) Today, traditionalist and fundamentalist movements in various religions … Lees verder Canceled: Religion and Emancipation: Two Encounters and a Workshop (pre-announcement)

Anabaptist Ambiguity

Deconstructive Readings of Historical Topoi In his current research, Marius van Hoogstraten undertakes deconstructive readings of topoi from Anabaptist history. In these readings, a constitutive ambiguity appears to insist itself into efforts to ground a separated identity. The suspicion arises that this ambiguity may, in spite of itself, be a site for strategic coinventivity, that … Lees verder Anabaptist Ambiguity